The days are long. Alarm at 2:30am, meeting at 3:4am5, makeup at 4:05am, mic check at 4:20, show 4:30-9am, meetings, kids, carpool, dinner, lessons. I love being busy but I don’t like feeling scattered. Can you relate? You know those days when things are clicking and you can’t seem to complete a task. I started 10 tasks in commercial breaks today - social media, a story for tomorrow, an email, making coffee ... I wasn’t able to get those tasks completed. After 3 hours of being on TV I went to touch up my make up, I looked in the mirror and and realized that I forgot to put on mascara. How could a TV anchor forget mascara? If there is one element of makeup I don’t like going without, it’s mascara. I’ll even take it over lip gloss! The clock motivates me, deadlines work in my favor but today I took a step back. Do you ever fee like you are simply taking on too much and even when that feels good do you realize it’s making you miss things that are important? Today my missing mascara served a bigger purpose. I took time today to reflect, organize, breathe. and after work spent more time withy kids. It was a small thing but an important reminder. I enjoyed washing my face at noon and going with out any make up - thankfully my kids don't care! Refocus today and don't let yourself get scattered. - make a great day. 🌸