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Episode 80: Is Mindset the Tool to Reverse Aging? with Larisa Petrini

Writer's picture: NatalieNatalie

Daily Life Improvement Podcast

Brief summary of show:

Is mindset the tool to reverse aging? Why does “turning back the clock” go way deeper than the kind of food on your plate or the exercise you do?

In this episode, you will hear a different perspective when it comes to reversing the biological clock with my guest Larisa Petrini.

Larisa Petrini is an Age Reversal Expert and Epigenetic specialist known for turning back the clock 10 years.

She is the founder of BODYOLOGY, a proprietary system designed to help high performing women reverse their age and sizzle with energy and confidence in their midlife years.

Hundreds of high achieving women have sought her help to get back in shape, overcome chronic fatigue, solve dry and sagging skin and deal with moods and hormonal imbalances.

She studied Health, Nutrition, Sleep and Epigenetics at some of the leading schools across the world such as Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Precision Nutrition, Spencer Institute and Apeiron ZOH.

She is currently working with celebrities and physicians from Switzerland, Netherlands and US and shares her knowledge as a contributor for Thrive Global, Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Forbes and Shape magazines.

Listen in as we talk about:

  • [2:50] Where to start if you want to turn back the clock

  • [4:40] How the food on your plate relates to your mindset

  • [7:00] How shifting your mindset makes an impact on your health

  • [15:50] Being proactive and reactive when it comes to our health

  • [23:50] Epigenetics and the future of health

  • [28:00] Natural tools to reverse your biological age

Notes from Natalie:

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[00:00:00] Natalie: We hear it all the time. Turn back the clock. Is it really possible to look younger, more importantly, to feel younger than our biological age?


[00:00:11] Natalie: Hi everyone. It's Natalie. I'm actually kind of tired of hearing that phrase, turn back the clock. Why are we so fascinated with looking younger? Well, it's just a part of our society, but you know what I want?

[00:00:24] I wanna feel younger. I wanna have more energy, don't you? After turning 50, I started to feel tired. So here's my question for. Is it because of our biological age for me, 51? Or is it because I'm really not treating my body well and taking on a different mindset? If you've been here very long, you know I am a huge believer in the power of a positive mindset.

[00:00:50] So it's not just that. There are simple things that we have to do at different stages of our lives to stay healthy and in turn that will help us feel and yes, look younger. So what are some of these things? My guest today is an expert on all of this Nutritions. Sleep epigenetics. Yes, You're gonna find out what that means.

[00:01:13] Larissa Petrini is an age reversal expert. She helps women get years back. We're gonna talk about skin, about moods and hormones because all of that matters. Will you do me a favor and subscribe to the podcast if you haven't already done so? And would you take just two minutes? To write a review for me.

[00:01:33] This helps me grow and it helps others find the podcast and also learn from the world renowned guests that I interview each and every week, you'll find a quick link for the review in the show notes. Promise it only takes about two minutes. Okay, let's turn back the clock and get started today.

[00:01:52] Laa, thanks for joining me. So I love this topic because I think all women our age, I mean really any age, we're looking for ways to not just look better, We don't wanna focus so much on that, but to

[00:02:06] Larisa: feel young. And have energy. Right.

[00:02:09] Natalie: and have energy, which is young, right?

[00:02:11] Larisa: Yes. Thank you so much for, for inviting me.

[00:02:14] We had an amazing chat before ,

[00:02:16] Natalie: I should say. We could talk forever. Yeah, we could talk forever.

[00:02:19] Larisa: So before starting to record uh, we, we had an amazing chat, so thank you. And yes, this is actually what every single woman I work with desire. , all of them want energy, vitality. And of course, if fit and tone is on the agenda, , they, they will not say no to that as well.

[00:02:40] And uh, when we feel good, I should say we look good as well. Yeah. Yeah. It's not the other way around. We can look good. I mean, we can do some interventions. We can go to dermatologist and take care of our skin from time to time. It doesn't mean we also feel good on the inside. So from my perspective is the other way around.

[00:03:00] Definitely. And one thing I, I usually say in my interviews, and everyone is shocked, I say 70%, and this is coming from research, 70% of the way our skin looks. Has to do with what's on the. So if we really want to get the glowing skin, we want to look fabulous. The first place we need to have a look into, it's definitely our diet and what's on the plate.

[00:03:25] So 70% of the battle, if I can call it like that, is. There. And then of course there is a separate conversation about lotions and potions and rituals around skincare and how often we do what and so on. So yeah, that's definitely where we should start. If we want to turn back the clock, .

[00:03:44] Natalie: Okay. So let's get to the difficult part when we're not feeling well or when we're tired, often what people reach for are the things that are emotional eating.

[00:03:54] So you. I know myself, and I think other women will agree with me. I'm gonna go for some salty chips, some chocolate, a glass of wine, the things that are probably making it worse.

[00:04:08] talk about what's wrong or okay with that? Mm-hmm. and then what we should have on that plate that's gonna

[00:04:14] Larisa: help us.

[00:04:15] Mm-hmm. . So first of all, and this. A lot about mindset and a lot about what I like to. The self care mindset, which is a bit different because it's a mindset in general is one thing, and I like to separate them, especially because I work with high achieving women. They have a great, amazing mindset when it comes to their job career, their ambitious, driven, when it comes to.

[00:04:42] Losing some weight or getting the rest or having some discipline around meals. This is a very simple, ideally an abc or it's part of the ABC to have regular meals. You would be surprised how many women. They don't have time. They skip their meals and then of course they end up around 8:00 PM sometimes even later in front of sweets, in front of sometimes a glass of wine.

[00:05:11] You just mentioned that. Or some salty chips. Junk food. This is also the case. They are so tired, so exhausted, and the easiest thing to do is to order some food. Mm-hmm. , sometimes it's pizza, sometimes might be burger. And it's not just for them, of course it's for the whole family. So it's the easy way out.

[00:05:30] Now when we talk about self-care, mindset, mindset, just to, to set the scene a little bit is all about beliefs. And beliefs are what uh, beliefs are those truth or those statements that somehow decide what needs to be right or valid in our lives. Mm-hmm. . So the more we do, we, we rehearse those statements.

[00:06:00] The more we start believing them, they become beliefs. Right? Yeah. So, and some of them are coming from our parents. For example, one, one of the, and this is something that I inherited from my mom. Uh, She was uh, what I like to call a mark there. She had the mark here I could call it a syndrome.

[00:06:16] She had this belief because we talk about beliefs that she is important. After everyone else. Mm. Yes. Served and they their meets putting

[00:06:29] Natalie: everyone before themselves. We, a lot of women do that. I do that. Yeah. I have to work on that.

[00:06:34] Larisa: Yep. Yeah. Yeah. So this is uh, uh, one of the, the, the mindset shifts I would do, I am the number one priority.

[00:06:43] Mm-hmm. , when I say that I am the number one priority, lots of things are changing. Around and I choose to believe whether I am worthy or not worthy of my own attention. This is very basic. Attention means what? Attention means. Some time for myself, attention means I every Sunday or when I do the planning for the week.

[00:07:08] And we usually do that for the business, but not always. Do it for ourselves. And the one of the things I, I say to my clients is, Let's use the planner. Let's use the the planning session to block some time for ourselves as well and for our needs. These are primary needs. If we don't. Manage to to prioritize those.

[00:07:32] Yeah. Energy is not, their focus is not there. We can become cranky or we can snap at people. Be distracted. Yeah. Turn to food as a cop out. There are so many outcomes we don't like down the road. Yeah. So am I worthy of my own attention? This will be one of the things to look. And if I, I, the answer is yes, what I need to do in order to get there, but I need to block meals, for example.

[00:08:01] Meals should be blocked. I also blocked the time when I sleep in my calendar. It's there. It's a great reminder and I also have a reminder on my phone. So every night when I need to prepare myself for bed to go before going to bed, and there is a a routine I, I have in place, my phone reminds me of that.

[00:08:23] And you might say, But we all know we should go to sleep. And we all know there must be a routine in place. I love this idea of number one, tracking and number two, following a, a certain sequence for our routines. As a reminder, First of all, it's the same way. A pilot, for example, follows the steps. They know by heart what they need to do with a plane, Right.

[00:08:46] But they still follow the checklist. Mm-hmm. , mm-hmm. . We don't need to have a 10 items or 10 items or 15 items on the checklist, but. A few. If we follow them, if we manage to to, to do that, we can definitely get into a different, completely different place. I have no time. This is something that I hear a lot.

[00:09:09] This is another mindset. I have no time. Right. I have time. Yeah. Versus I can make time or I am in control of my time. Yes. We get to decide and the way we are wired, the way we function as human being. Thoughts. By engaging in certain thoughts, those thoughts are triggering a certain emotion. And from there we engage in a, a certain behavior and then of course we get the results we want or we don't.

[00:09:36] So if I tell, if I keep telling to myself, I am not worthy of my own attention, I don't have time, I have no willpower. Another example, I will never be attractive at this age, or I'm too old, or everyone else is more important. or I will never lose weight. This is another one coming from my clients. So we can switch this and instead of saying for example, I will never be attractive.

[00:10:02] I can say, I am gorgeous. I am amazing. I look amazing. Yeah. And we can focus. Maybe we don't believe ourselves, especially if we look in the mirror and there are some extra pounds and some wrinkles. We don't need to go in the opposite direction. We can focus on certain parts of our body we like about ourselves.

[00:10:23] Yeah. Maybe the eyes, maybe the hair, maybe nails. Why not? Maybe something we, we, we put on our body like a dress, a beautiful dress or maybe makeup. We wear makeup and we. The way we look that particular day. Same with willpower. If we keep telling to ourselves I'm lazy, I'm weak, instead of I'm strong or I'm learning to become stronger, or I'm learning to be more disciplined.

[00:10:50] This is a very different or triggers a very different emotion. Yes. And from this emotion, we can engage in a positive behavior. There is no way we can start working out, for example, or meal prep or discipline our meals or, or plan our meals when we feel like we have no willpower. Uh, We are not good enough.

[00:11:14] We are lazy, we are weak. We are not attractive. It's very difficult to start from there. Yeah. So what I do with my clients and this is very much related to mindset. We work a lot on crafting a new identity. So before engaging in any plan, any strategy, any recommendation, we start with who you, who we are, and who we identify ourselves with in terms of identity.

[00:11:43] What type of woman do I want to create? And it's deep inside ourselves. It's just about the beliefs and what we choose to believe about, about that. So we start. From this foundation, with this foundation, And then we move into the nitty gritties if you want. Yeah. What they need in terms of food, how they, they can start prioritizing and create some time.

[00:12:08] And one thing I, I, I ask my clients, and this, this is a very easy exercise for anyone listening to this episode. If we go and has to do with i, I have no time. If we go in our. Settings, screen, screen time, and this is what I do with my time, right? This is this. That's your time. So you just found congratulations.

[00:12:31] You just come sometime, sometimes are three hours. Sometimes I have clients with six hours of screen time on their phone. That's a lot of time. Yeah. Plenty of time to do lots of things for ourselves. So sometimes we just, because we started to believe so much and to, reinforce if you want this identity, we don't see.

[00:12:55] Or our mind doesn't want to see what's in front of us and time, it's something we create. Sure, Of course, yes. We, we need to say no to some things. Not to all of the things. Yeah. We don't need to never watch Netflix, for example, or never engage with social media or I don't know, going out with friends.

[00:13:19] This is different for everyone. It doesn't mean we don't have a social life. It just means we put ourselves first. And those important activities we need to, And there there are not even many. Yeah. If we manage to incorporate three workouts a week, we don't even need one hour. We can do it. We can have a workout.

[00:13:43] Sometimes could be even 35 minutes. Yeah. Three times a week, non-consecutive days. And then we take care of our sleeps. Sleep is our best friend in our forties

[00:13:54] Natalie: and beyond. Yes. So, so true. I, I learned that the hard way by mm-hmm. working, and I talk a lot about that on this podcast that I worked early morning hours as a morning TV anchor.

[00:14:05] And I, like you said about your mom, I thought I was doing everyone a favor because I was putting them first, being a mom all day, but getting up in the middle of the night and not getting any sleep and having no energy. Mm-hmm. . But I, I wanna go back to something you said, because I think this is so important.

[00:14:21] We started the podcast with how to reverse aging. Mm-hmm. and everything you've talked about, aside from food and what you put on your plate is to start in reversing aging with your mindset. Mm-hmm. and. The most important thing that I heard you say so far is to create your time and to take control of your time instead of letting life take control of you.

[00:14:46] And I think a lot of women struggle with that. It's, we let things, for instance, our email, sometimes I, I, I find this so fascinating because we get a list of emails and we just keep answering emails, emails, emails. Instead of saying, I'm actually gonna answer emails for 20 minutes a day. In my time, instead of immediately answering people that come in to my box or text the same way, just responding to everything in life instead of controlling it and finding blocks of time to do it so that it's your schedule, not someone else's.

[00:15:20] Does

[00:15:20] Larisa: that make sense? Absolutely. And is the difference between uh, being proactive, In the way we take care of ourselves or being reactive. Yes. And literally catching the balls, Other people are throwing it. Yes. It's So when we wake, Yeah. When we wake up and the first place we go is social media. Mm-hmm.

[00:15:38] instead of spending a little bit of time, we don't need a lot of time with ourselves for the morning routine, for example. And if morning routine, it's something that feels like pressuring and oh my God, I don't have time to have a morning routine. We can have a tiny routine. We don't need to do all the things.

[00:15:57] And we can be successful without that. We can move it for a, a bit later if kids, if we need to take kids to school or prepare breakfast for them and all of those things, we can have a, a routine later, little bit later, probably around 10, 11. It depends. If we are working and go in an office space, that's completely different.

[00:16:21] So again, these are not, and I don't believe in one size fits all solutions anyways. So asking ourselves, this is a very easy, simple question and I ask this question to myself every morning, How do I feel? And how do I feel is such a simple question. And then the second question after is, why do I feel the way I feel?

[00:16:41] Mm. And then I uncover the thoughts running around free , freely in my mind, in my head, because everything we feel. Has to do with what we think and what we believe. Yes. So these two questions, how do I feel? And what, Why do I feel this way? And then the third and last question is, what do I need to intentionally believe in order to feel better today?

[00:17:10] And this is. Talking about mindset and mind management, because this is as simple as that. It's nothing else than mind management. And it's so pity because we learn, and our parents, educators, they, they teach us how to eat, how to walk, how to do lots of things, but nobody, unfortunately, is telling us how to intentionally think and organize our thoughts and also question our thoughts because most of those beliefs are not even.

[00:17:40] Yes, we borrowed them or we simply put them on, on the rings and repeat and start believing them without ever questioning if they're even true. And in 90% of the cases, they're not even true. Yeah, I am fat, for example, first of all, I always intervene when I hear my client saying I am fat because this is, this, This sounds like a new identity, right?

[00:18:03] It's one thing to say, I have a few extra pounds, and the different thing to say I am fat, and to identify yourself with a fat. First of all, it's, it's pretty violent to talk to you like that. Yeah. To, to have this statement in the mirror. It's not even complicated, what we need and sometimes is difficult.

[00:18:23] We need this level of awareness with our thoughts. This is the reason why I like to do this every morning to set the scene and the same way I work out and I take care of my physical body. I also take care of my thoughts and what's going on at at the mind level. It's so

[00:18:39] Natalie: important we have to start the day like that.

[00:18:42] I mean, what can we expect with the rest of our day if we start it in a negative? Or we start it rushed, or we don't have a time block or we wake up like you said, and the first thing we see is negative news or social media that makes us feel insecure. Like to plan your day and your time block. So first you mentioned what you put on your plate, so we know lots of healthy.

[00:19:07] Um, Healthy things. So important to reverse aging. Secondly, your mindset and how you time block and how you intentionally plan your

[00:19:16] day. What else would you say? You mentioned also like lotions and potions, and does that really make a difference? Can we really help ourselves with products to feel and look younger?

[00:19:28] There are a lot of them out.




[00:20:02] Larisa: Exactly. And the confusion is uh, is, uh, is also there. The short answer is not really. Mm-hmm. , the longer answer is 70% is what's on the plate. So 70% has to do with what we put in our body. And it's not only food especially in our forties and beyond. Supplements are also important and we don't take them.

[00:20:26] Just by going to Google and doing a research on ourselves or what's important there is to know exactly what we need. And this is the reason why we use the most complex genetic report available right now in the world to see exactly what buttons I like to use. This metaphor needs to be pressed or avoided and how to navigate these years.

[00:20:51] By the end of our strategy session, for example, we, we call it a b blueprint intensive. Every client knows exactly which supplements, which are supplements for the following three months, and then on the long run what they need to, to take and use. Yeah. So supplements plus food, and then. I don't say we shouldn't use any of those potions or lotions, but we should not rely on them.

[00:21:15] Yeah. Yeah. And skin is an amazing, I like to call it a feedback mechanism for, for us to see whether or not things are imbalance inside our body. So if something goes wrong at the gut level, We are going to see some signs on the face. Yeah. At the skin level. Sometimes we might be lactose intolerant, for example.

[00:21:38] It's, it's a very simple example. So many of my clients who are lactose intolerant also deal with acne, adult acne. Just a small example, again, it doesn't mean we put the diagnose just by looking at, at someone's skin, but if we learn how. Read our symptoms and understand our body. We can get so many insights and tap into simple solutions and simply by, simply by avoiding certain foods that are pro-inflammatory or foods that are simply not good for us.

[00:22:18] I, for example, I am very sensitive to. Certain types of fats, saturated fats, and I know this from, it's coming out from my genetic report. It's black and white there, and I was very curious to see how I feel right after I consume saturated fats. And I'm not, well, I don't feel well, so I know it. I have the awareness.

[00:22:41] The next step for me is to just follow the plan, follow the strategy. And get where I need to get

[00:22:48] Natalie: from there. A lot of people might be asking at this point, and we can put a link in the show notes, How do I access this? Like, if it's really as simple as some type of test to say, saturated fats are bothering me or lactose, I think there's, at least here in the US it's sometimes hard to get those answers without a whole lot of trial and.

[00:23:09] Larisa: Yeah, this is exactly what we do. And this was the main trigger for me to move from being a um, health coach, health and nutrition coach, and then certified sleep coach into epigenetics. Mm-hmm.

[00:23:24] epigenetics from my perspective is the future of health. Mm-hmm. and it's the future of health because it offer.

[00:23:32] US personalization, US experts uh, a level of personalizations that you cannot find from blood work. You, I mean, there are so many tests available on the market, but you cannot get to that level of personalization. And there are six pillars. For example, this is a 200 pages report. It's not a tiny report with just a few pages.

[00:23:55] It's pretty complex. We also have our own algorithm and app, and. You can get insights about your sleep and mental health, even for dispositions to certain diseases such as Alzheimer or Parkinson or dementia. Uh, Fascinating. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. The skin pillar is also very rich in, in insights and we can uncover the exact ingredients that are good for you.

[00:24:21] I. Famous for teaching most of my client's products from the, their shelf in the bathroom. So because most of them are, are useless. They, and even if the, the potions or lotions are expensive, it doesn't mean it's what they need. Mm-hmm. . So we, we change the, the whole protocol, skincare protocol, they switch to the products they need, they personal, they need at the personal level.

[00:24:46] They don't recognize their skin. They're like, Oh my God, this is amazing. I, I can believe my skin is so glow. And so it looks so, so rested and so good. So skincare is their mental health. And then diet, supplements, movement, what type of movement is good for us? So important. Mm-hmm. , It's not the same for everyone.

[00:25:05] Some women thrive on cardio. Some other women thrive on stretching. They stretching like yoga Pila as this type of of movement. Some other women thrive on high intensity training. It's not the same for everyone. Yeah. In my case, for example, if I would pick cardio infl, inflammation is triggered immediately.

[00:25:26] It's there. I feel it, I see it in my body. It's, and I, I had no idea what, what, what was going on. And then the report came in and I was. Of course is what going on in my body works for your

[00:25:40] Natalie: yes, what works for your best friend and they keep telling you to try it. Try it. It's great. Might not be good for you.

[00:25:47] So to really know that, and that's something you can test

[00:25:50] Larisa: for. Yes, Yes. Wow. So the type of movement, the exact macronutrients, micronutrients, supplements, vitamins, and then predispositions for certain lifestyle diseases, even diabetes or obesity. Certain intolerances, such as gluten and lactose are there as well.

[00:26:08] Yeah. How we deal with coffee, whether or not we are sensitive to coffee or not. Mm. And then stress, Stress is such an important pillar in the, in the report because stress and the mental health and sleep, these are, especially in our forties and beyond, they become almost like the number one priority.

[00:26:28] Yeah. Food even. Yeah. We are so exhausted. Yes. And, and so tired all the time. And sometimes we don't even need food. We just want to sleep or rest. Yeah. And because of that, we, we put a lot of emphasis on, on this pillar on mental health, sleep and, and stress. So this is another, another pillar. And then we have a, a pillar for immunity.

[00:26:50] And especially now with everything happening in the world immunity and prevention around. Anything that might come our way. So powerful. So powerful. So this is how we actually start our our process. We have a look into all these insights and data, genetic data, and then we craft a strategy. There are two parts in this strategy.

[00:27:14] The first one is The short term strategy for the first three months and then the long term strategy. There is also a very important information for our clients, and this has to do with their biological age, what's going on at the cellular level. Yeah, we cannot change what's on the id, but

[00:27:31] we definitely can reverse the biological age with sleep, with what's on the plate with supplements movement.

[00:27:42] There again, this is. One. But if we, and again, it's not, we make. Easy. We don't, even though this is a complex report, it's a 200 pages report, we make it easy for our clients. We also use a telehealth platform. Mm, great. And if them exact task the tasks so they, they know exactly what to do and I can follow in real time.

[00:28:06] I can watch what's going on with their food, with their sleep and everything and give them feedback. Uh, There. So Even though we don't really like to hear that as we age, we need to set aside more time for our self care and rest. Yes. When I say self care, I mean rest. I mean a little bit of meal prep.

[00:28:29] I cook twice a week. That's it.

[00:28:32] Natalie: You don't have to do a big meal every night. That's

[00:28:36] Larisa: exactly, It's exhausting and it's, if you're tired, it's a lot of work. Yeah. So I do, I, I meal prep today, for example, was a meal prep morning. So I do it on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I'm gonna move to Sundays and Thursdays, but that's another, another.

[00:28:51] You've planned

[00:28:52] Natalie: it, Like we said, you time blocked that so you're not.

[00:28:55] Larisa: Trying to, I have a menu Yes. For myself, because having a menu doesn't have to do with losing weight necessarily. Yeah. It just gives you some boundaries. Yeah. It gives you some, some control on the portions. And also you can assess, not assess, but pred decide what you're going to consume.

[00:29:11] How many greens? Some, I love fish, for example. I have three types of fish in my menu. And then proteins. So many women don't consume enough proteins. And this is the, the ABC again. Of course we turn to pizza. Of course we turn to chocolate. Of course, we turn to anything around, especially refined carbs. And junk food if we don't consume enough proteins, Yes.

[00:29:36] At least this, I don't go into carbs and the macros and all of that, but at least the proteins. So this meats

[00:29:44] Natalie: and lentils and

[00:29:45] Larisa: proteins that Yes, yes, yes. So proteins, and it's a very easy formula for everyone. It's one gram per pound. Very easy. Yeah, Very easy. Very easy. And this is the way we we, we coach our clients as well.

[00:30:01] We give them simple formulas. They know how to calculate their calorie need. And then if they need to lose some weight, what's the percentage wise, the, the calorie deficit they need to, to be in so that they will. Star of themselves because that's not the way to lose weight. And then we also teach them how to assess whether or not they have enough proteins.

[00:30:21] I'm a big believer in tracking what we eat. Because if you don't track, you don't manage. You have no idea.

[00:30:26] Natalie: And then you're just asking and continuing to eat

[00:30:28] Larisa: and Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And even if you do it after, the, after math is also powerful. Yeah. You can still see whether or not, and you can understand from the physiological point of view why you were, you had certain, certain uh, cravings, for example.

[00:30:42] For sure. Yeah. And sometimes he's emotion. I don't wanna say it's just physiological and it's just because we don't consume enough proteins. There are two, always two potential root causes. One is psychological and the other one is physiological. So our body needs other macronutrients and we don't give it enough.

[00:31:02] So when it comes to the psychological pillar, Usually what happens, and it's also a little bit of mindset work there. We are not willing or available to sit with our emotions. We don't like how we feel and we use food as a cop out. So,

[00:31:18] Natalie: so many people do that regularly because it's just easy and it's become a habit for many

[00:31:24] Larisa: people.

[00:31:25] It's easy. And so many people don't know how to even label an emotion or name an emotion or recognize an emotion. Yeah, and this is just the first step. And then we need to sit a little bit with that emotion process. it sounds like we don't want to go there, but it's not that difficult if we learn how to do.

[00:31:44] How to fill it in our body. Every single emotion sit in our body. Yeah. So if we learn how to, number one label and number two process that in time, we manage to actually sit a little bit with that discomfort or in that discomfort. And then simply we can, we could use anything else as a cop out. It's interesting how we turn to food instead of turning to, I don't know, could be.

[00:32:13] A walk, could be a chat with a friend, could be a bubble bath, right? But it's easier. And of course it's a, it's a longer conversation about the certain chemicals we also trigger at the brain level and what's going on with dopamine and so on. So Again, it's the easy way out for, for everyone. And

[00:32:33] Natalie: identifying it is the step, first step.

[00:32:36] Yes. Well, we've gone through so many great ideas and we, we could talk for hours. I learned so much . But most importantly, we start the age reversing process with knowing all of these things, being aware of it. We talked about time blocking. I, I mean so many great tips. I want to give you a second to.

[00:32:55] Give people more information on if they wanna go deeper and they wanna learn more about you and contact you, how would you suggest

[00:33:03] Larisa: they do that? Uh, There are two ways. I will start with a free guide. We offer, and this is on 10 years Uh, There is a pdf we offer for free. And this is about my favorite age reversal secrets and.

[00:33:17] Easy strategies they can start implementing. So 10 years And then the second place, and this is where they can book a discovery call with me and go through uh, our process and share with everyone interested what does it mean to start taking care of themselves in a personalized way. So this is at Connect with Larissa Dot.

[00:33:42] Okay. This is the place we

[00:33:43] Natalie: will put those links in the show notes. Larissa, thank you so much for your time and your expertise and just your, your beautiful way of explaining things. It's so nice to

[00:33:52] Larisa: you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.

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